The Let's Play Archive

Fire Emblem: Awakening

by Tae

Part 196: Chrom C

Oh! There you are!

Hello, Sumia. Did you need something?

Um, no. Robin is just looking for you.

Oh, right. The strategy meeting. Poor Robin does love to... AAAAAAARGH!

Chrom! Are you all right?!

Y-yes, I'm fine. I just tripped on a pebble. Gods, how embarrassing.

It's because you're so exhausted! You've been working too hard lately.

I'm fine, Sumia. And besides, we're all tired. Such endless fighting wears on everyone.

Chrom, you've no need to don a brave face for my sake. You carry twice the burder of anyone. It's only natural you're exhausted.

Heh. You're kind to say so. But in truth, everyone looks to their commander for inspiration and strength. An army is only as stalwart as its leader. The instant I show weakness, we're through.

It must be so hard for you...

I'll... be fine. And please, don't speak of this conversation to anyone. All right?

No-no! Of course not! I would never-

Ha ha! At ease. Sumia. And stop worrying so much! It'll take more than a few battles to bring this soldier to his knees.

I know! You're the greatest warrior that I've ever...

Huh. I just realized something.

What is it?

You trusted me with a secret! It's out first secret together!

Um... yes, I suppose it is.

Don't worry. My lips are sealed tighter than a bear trap. ...So long as you promise to take a nap before the strategy meeting!


I'll just tell Robin that you've been delayed.

And if I don't agree to your terms?

Then I'll tell everyone the mighty Chrom was bested by a mere pebble!

That sounds like blackmail... Still, I supposed a short nap couldn't hurt.

Ooh, it's so thrilling to be able to help out like this! Anyway, I'll leave you to it. Sweet dreams! *leaves*

That girl has a strange knack for getting her way...